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Saturday 25 February 2012

BBC News Channel first with live analysis of the demolition of Osama Bin Laden's compound

For a change, it was the BBC that started running this story today before anyone else. They called up when I was over visiting my parents but I had time to get home and change, ready for the car to drive me to the studio for a discussion with Anita McVey about the demolition by the Pakistani army and police of Osama Bin Laden's compound in Abbotabad. Anita touched on the downturn in US-Pakistan relations that ensued. Footage had still not come in from Pakistan at 8.30pm London time nor had any kind of report - which is where the live studio analysis comes into its own. Once the footage starts rolling in, then we complement it.

I was impressed this week to see the Pakistani foreign minister , the gorgeous Hina Rabbani Khar, up close in press conference with her British counterpart, William Hague. She referred to her then forthcoming meeting with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the sidelines of the London Somalia summit, and was unequivocal about Pakistan's sovereignty. Her voice is deeper than I had imagined it would be and she speaks with surety.

The questions were carefully choreographed by Hague's press secretary but I was tickled when someone addressed a question to both foreign ministers and Khar had a joke at Hague's expense; answering that she would go first "to give him time to think." In gentlemanly fashion, he did not rise to the bait.

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